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ZKProof 6 - Berlin May 22-24 2024

Upcoming events

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Past events

With zero-knowledge-proofs in the headlines, ZKProof Policy @ DC assembled to explore how the technology can be used for enhanced privacy for all, and discuss the trade-offs and interactions with law enforcement and regulations.

The 5.5 ZKProof workshop was part of ZK week that took place in Barcelona. During the event, we had workshops on PLONK Standardization, Recursive Proof Composition, and more.

The first-ever community event for the ZKProof standardization initiative in Europe. The two-day event brought together top researchers, developers and business practitioners to showcase the latest academic achievements and practical applications for ZKP privacy schemes.

The second annual ZKProof Workshop took place in Berkeley, CA, and was attended by 150 top researchers and industry leaders. The review committee accepted four community proposals that address the interoperability and security of zero-knowledge proofs. In addition, the community collaborated with NIST to establish the first Community Reference document for ZKPs.

In order to consolidate the different cryptography standardization efforts, and to promote collaboration, ZKProof partnered with the Homomorphic Encryption standards effort to launch the first Advanced Cryptography Standardization (ACS) workshop. This event focused on zero-knowledge proofs, fully homomorphic encryption and threshold cryptography, and featured a keynote by Luís Brandão from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The first ever ZKProof Workshop took place in Boston, MA, where an initial community of experts convened to discuss topics underlying the standardization of ZKPs. The participants produced a series of three documents that establish a best-practice framework for the Security, Implementation and Applications of zero-knowledge proofs.