Scaling Trustless DNN Inference, zkml applications at by Daniel Kang

Daniel Kang gave a comprehensive overview of the current capabilities of…

ZKPs and Post-Quantum Signatures From VOLE-in-the-Head at by Peter Scholl

Peter presented the FAEST signature scheme, which achieves similar performance to…

Lessons from DARPA SIEVE at by James Parker & Kimberlee Model

James and Kimberlee clearly explained the SIEVE IR, a collaborative specification…

Recursive Proof Composition at by Ying Tong Lai

Ying Tong Lai delivered an illuminating presentation that advanced understanding of…

The Plonk Effort at by Mary Maller

Mary Maller's overview of the modular approach to specifying Plonk. In this talk,…

Sangria: a Folding Scheme for PLONK

In this technical note we present Sangria, a Nova-style folding scheme for the…

Practical SNARK-based VDF

Protocol Labs, the Ethereum Foundation, the Filecoin Foundation, Supranational,…

Darlin: Proof-carrying data based on Marlin

In this blog post, we describe Darlin, a recursive zk-SNARK which we will use to…

Setup Ceremonies

We often refer to zero-knowledge proofs monolithically, but there are many…

Zebra: Zcash Zero-Knowledge Proofs at Scale

The Zcash protocol has used a number of different zk-SNARK proof systems since its…

HashWires: Range Proofs from Hash Functions

In this two-part extended blog post I will discuss a modular approach to the design…

Playing with Randomness and Interactions to Prove Theorems

In this blog post, I will go back to some of the early results that pioneered the…

Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Information-Theoretic Proof Systems – Part II

In this two-part extended blog post I will discuss a modular approach to the design…

Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Information-Theoretic Proof Systems – Part I

In this two-part extended blog post I will discuss a modular approach to the design…

Inductive Proof Systems and Recursive SNARKs

This blog post describes a powerful technique for defining systems that allows for…

The Unreasonable Power of the Sum-CheckProtocol

When designing an efficient interactive proof system, there is only one hammer you…

Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Set Membership

In this post, I will attempt to present the problem of proving set membership in…

Announcing the Expert Series Webinar on Zero-Knowledge Proofs

ZKProof has joined forces with leading organizations in our ecosystem to launch a…